Dividend : Kepco Vs. PLN


SAPA#0867: The fund’s inflow from new stakeholders not only increases the value of the company enjoyed by the old or the founders. The continuous inflow of new capital will also keep the company expanding beyond the barriers of the country. Sending money and pride from the world to his people. Getting the position of crowding effect in the eyes of consumers. Attract the best human resources to join. That is the source of excellence from generation to generation. Like KEPCO. How do you think PLN is allowed to be like KEPCO? Or left just like now and its market in RI getting taken KEPCO the “PLN” of South Korea ??? Daily management update presented by SNF Consulting https://t.me/dailymanagementupdate

Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Class Management, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Consultant Business, Consultant Management, Consultant Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Dividend : Kepco Vs. PLN
