Golden Share: Brazil Government Veto Rights at Embraer


SAPA # 0883: Before losing control due to dilution, the government may include certain veto rights to ensure that the BUMN it establishes will still be run for the benefit of its people. Anyone shareholders. Like the Brazilian government’s veto through its golden share at Embraer. The company is gaining control of the global aircraft market because of the capital payments of millions of people without losing its identity and function to the nation and its country. If our nation wants to, PTDI also can. If you do not want to, it’s just as good as PTDI remains as small as it is today. It’s just a monument that our nation can make airplanes. Presented by SNF Consulting – at SNF Consulting.

Standart Operational Procedure, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Consultant Management, Consultant Business, Consultant Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting
