Tenaga Nasional: History and The Global Presence


SAPA#0863: The company’s core competence that the world needs will be attracted by markets in various countries to serve it. Serving the markets of various countries need big capital expenditure. It is not enough to rely on profit. Can not just expect an additional deposit of capital from the founder. The consequence is to open the opportunity for the public to participate in deposits of capital as new leaders. The founder’s shares, including government founders such as the founder of Tenaga Nasional, will be diluted until they are no longer controllers. That is the demand of corporatization of SOEs. So, SOEs must choose: to corporatize and dominate the world market or to close themselves and the market is disrupted in their own country. Daily management update presented by SNF Consulting https://t.me/dailymanagementupdate

Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Class Management, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Consultant Business, Consultant Management, Consultant Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Tenaga Nasional: History and The Global Presence
