March 23, 2018

Sejarah Ford: Menghadapi Krisis Ekonomi

SAPA#0993: Perusahaan yang baik adalah ujung tombak keunggulan sebuah negara dalam persaingan antar bangsa. Seperti Ford bagi Amerika Serikat. Ujung tombak saat perang, saat damai, maupun saat krisis moneter. Perusahaan tempat Anda berkarya bagaimana? Sarapan Pagi persembahan SNF Consulting — di SNF Consulting. SOP, KPI, Studi Kelayakan, Kelas Manajemen, Road Map, Konsultan Bisnis, Konsultan Manajemen, Konsultan Manajemen […]

Sejarah Ford: Menghadapi Krisis Ekonomi Read More »

Ford’s History: Facing the Economic Crisis

SAPA # 0993: A good company is the spearhead of a country’s excellence in competition among nations. Like Ford for the United States. The spearheads of war, at peace, and during the monetary crisis. Which company do you work for? Sarapan Pagi Presented by SNF Consulting – at SNF Consulting. Standard Operating Procedur, Key

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