Day: April 17, 2018

L’oreal History: Acquisition & Innovation

SAPA # 1018: L’oreal is good at research and product innovation. Also good at acquiring other companies who have innovative products. Sarapan Pagi Presented by SNF Consulting – at SNF Consulting. Standard Operating Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Consultant Business, Consultant Management, Consultant Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF …

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Sejarah L’oreal: Akuisisi & Inovasi

SAPA#1018: L’oreal jago dalam riset dan inovasi produk. Juga jago dalam mengakuisisi perusahaan lain yg punya produk inovatif. Sarapan Pagi persembahan SNF Consulting SOP, KPI, Studi Kelayakan, Kelas Manajemen, Road Map, Konsultan Bisnis, Konsultan Manajemen, Konsultan Manajemen Bisnis, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting