SAPA#0851: Companies whose revenues are growing rapidly, profit or loss, need additional substantial capital deposits. Existing shareholders must choose one of three alternatives: adding a capital deposit from their own, not increasing the capital deposit but allowing others to deposit, or suppressing growth with the risk of a progressive HR talent and then crashed in the market. Kioson chose the first alternative. IPO is opening the widest possible road-extent to other parties to participate in the deposit of capital in order to enlarge the company and join as shareholders. But, the company is still suffering loss? The loss in a growing industry with core competence simply does not deter real investors from entering. Just like Kioson. Daily management update presented by
Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Class Business, Class Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Kioson: IPO in the Loss Condition