SAPA#0850: For a company whose products are short-lived such as Sari Roti, sales returns are not just a burden on the company’s earnings. Moreover, sales returns are an important part of corporate strategy. In 2016 when business is in normal condition, sales returns are greater than profit. When sales are depressed due to their communication policies, thus sales return becomes an important part of the recovery strategy. The decline in the sales returns 3rd quarter compared to the 2nd quarter of 2017, shows this national bread principal recovery strategy is effective enough to run in the market. Although not yet fully recovered. Daily management update presented by
Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Class Business, Class Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Sari Roti 3rd Quarter 2017: How are you?