SAPA#0858 : Business competition is basically the competition of capital expenditure on revenue-generating assets. Thus, SOEs who are busy establishing subsidiaries outside their core competence is basically allowing themselves to be beaten by a focused competitor so that their capital expenditure is much greater. Remember, the real competition is not with national companies. The real competition is with global players who are present in various countries including Indonesia. Like CSCEC whose investment spending is the almost 5x total capital expenditure of Go-Public state-owned construction company in Indonesia. What about SOEs that already have many subsidiaries outside the core competence? Sell these subsidiaries and the proceeds to be use for capital expenditure at its core competencies. Daily management update presented by SNF Consulting
Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Class Business, Class Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Investment of Construction SOE : RI VS PRC