SAPA#0789: In 1979, Michael E Porter of Harvard University put forward a model of the business competition called Five Forces. That competition is not just happening with other companies whose products are same or we called it competition in the industry. This is just one of them. There are still 4 others such as supplier strength, buyer power, substitution products and newcomers. Recently, the term disruption is famous. The end of hard-printed mail delivery business by the presence of electronic mail is an example. It is said that the post office is disrupted by e-mail. This phenomenon has actually been described by Porter since 1979 with one of his five forces: the product substitution. Business correspondence substituted by e-mail. Later emerged the issue that retail stores substituted business alias disrupted by online stores. Is it true? Let’s see the performance of Matahari Dept Store on 1st semester 2017. Sales revenue and profits keep growing convincingly. Sarapan pagi persembahan SNF consulting