SAPA#0859 : In the era of corporatization with consumer behavior with the pattern of crowding effect, as the president of the government company must choose one of two alternatives. First, it gives an opportunity to the public to participate in the deposit of capital. Second, closing itself to keep controlling even 100% of companies. The first alternative will give the board the widest possible opportunity with almost unlimited capital stock to boost the company’s growth beyond the barriers of the country. The second alternative will make the company hampered its growth. Great human resources will be more interested in joining the first alternative company full of global challenges. So, do not be surprised if the first alternative company will go undermine the second alternative company market. Like DHL who entered the market Pos Indonesia and not vice versa. The German government chose to own 20.9% of the shares of a company that controls the market in more than 200 countries instead of 100% in a company that controls only one country’s market.Daily management update presented by SNF Consulting
Standart Operational Procedur, Key Performance Indicator, Feasibility Study, Road Map, Class Management, Class Business, Class Management Business, Management Sparring Partner, SNF Consulting, Pos Indonesia Vs. Pos Jerman (DHL)